Host Exports

The exported WebAssembly API contains a single function:

Function: ar()

Retconned from "Ardaku"; Asynchronous Request function.

Returns once at least one command (with a non-zero ready value) completes. An early return can be forced with a null noöp command.

(import "daku" "ar" (func $event
    (param $cmd_size i32)   ;; List[Command].size
    (param $cmd_addr i32)   ;; List[Command].addr
    (result i32)            ;; List[Uint32].size 


  • $cmd_size The size of the data pointed to by $cmd_addr
  • $cmd_addr A pointer in the wasm memory to a list of $cmd_size commands


  • The number of ready commands in the ready list (new length of ready list).