0x03 - Serve 🧪

Serve resources over HTTPS.

SSE is expected to be implemented as an abstraction over this API (rather than be provided as its own portal).


Client device channel is opened upon readiness. The channel allocation should happen immediately upon return of ar(), and must follow in the order of the ready list.


Becomes ready once either

  • A client connects.
  • The number of connection errors (with errors being non-null) since the last successful connetion, in one of the 4 categories has exceeded 255

Command: Serve


  • config: val
    • port: half Port number to connect to
    • connections: half How many client connections to attempt maximum
      • If sign bit is set to negative, allow other computers to connection as a client
  • errors: opt[val] Output number of errors that occured since last successful connection (or since start, if becoming ready on first success)
    • load: byte Number rejected based on load being too high (clients connecting is larger than ready list size)
    • maximum: byte Number rejected based on too many connections exceeding maximum set with connections
    • https: byte Number rejected for invalid HTTPS
    • timeout: byte Number rejected based on timeout on sending headers


  1. If connections = -32768
  2. If port = 0 (local only) and connections sign bit is negative
  3. If address at errors + 3 has no page