Environment Variables

The following environment variables must be exported by Wasite-compliant terminal emulators (writes can be ignored to deny permissions without forfeiting compliance):

R: LINES (Since v0.1.0)

The number of lines in the terminal view.

R: COLUMNS (Since v0.1.0)

The number of columns in the terminal view.

R/W: LINE (Since v0.1.0)

The line number of the cursor position (non-zero)

R/W: COLUMN (Since v0.1.0)

The column number of the cursor position (non-zero)

R/W: SCREEN (Since v0.1.0)

The screen number within the terminal. Default is 0.

Non-default (alternate) screens are only the size of the display; They do not scroll.

R/W: TITLE (Since v0.1.0)

The title of the window.

R/W: USER (Since v0.1.0)

The username of the current user.

R/W: HOSTNAME (Since v0.1.0)

The hostname of the host device.

R/W: NAME (Since v0.1.0)

The pretty name of the host device.

R/W: TZ (Since v0.1.0)

The IANA TZDB identifier for the timezone (ex: America/New_York)

R/W: LANGS (Since v0.1.0)

The display language using two letter language code (ISO 639-1) followed by an underscore and a two letter region code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). (ex: en_US)

Multiple languages/dialects can be specified in order of preference, separated by semicolons.

R/W: RAW (Since v0.1.0)

This mode can be switched on and off. Default is 0; 1 to enable.

Enabling changes:

  • Stdout/Stdin is not written to the screen
  • Stdin is not buffered until newline
  • All keyboard shortcuts are intercepted
  • Stdout does not move the cursor on newline characters